
Crumbling School Shocks Politicians

The dilapidated state of St David's Secondary School has shocked the County's politicians.

Stephen Crabb MP and Paul Davies AM were aghast when they were shown round the school by head teacher Ray Bevan.

MP Awed by Scale of LNG Plant

The Albert Hall would fit into the largest of the LNG tanks being built at Milford Haven. This amazing fact was pointed out to Richard Ottaway MP for Croydon South on a visit to the plant.

Concerns Over Drink-Fuelled Violence To Be Raised With Police

Violent drunken attacks in Fishguard that have left two men with serious injuries are to be discussed by politicians and police. Twenty-eight-year-old Dan Morgan had to have 52 staples and five metal plates in his head after he was attacked in Fishguard Square in April.